10 aastat pärast meie esimese kaupluse avamist sündis, mis koondab enda alla kolm erineva kontseptsiooni ja valikuga disainkauplust. Siit leiad alati põneva valiku disaintooteid: kõrvarõngaid, ehteid, riideid, jalanõusid, kosmeetikat ja palju muud. Oma Asi kaupluses The Little Red House on erilisel kohal just Eesti disainerite tooted. Oma Asi d_sign pakub laiemat valikut kodu- ja välismaiseid disainbrände. Meie kõige uuemas kaupluses Gate21 ootavad Sind ees värskeimad disaini- ja riidebrändid kogu maailmast.
About Us
10 years after opening the first shop, we have now created to bring all 3 of our design shops together under one roof because each has their own concept and products. As the name ALL DESIGN implies, here you will find almost every design product we have, including earrings and other jewellery, clothing, shoes, cosmetics and home decor. From Oma Asi or as we call it “The Little Red House” comes the work of known and unknown local designers. From Oma Asi d_sign comes a wider selection of international as well as other well known Estonian design brands. Then thirdly from Gate21 comes cutting edge design and streetwear from Tallinn to Tokyo to Tbilisi.