Bouquet Autumn Tango


Availability: Laos

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StudioRoof helps kids be more creative, develops their imagination as well as teaches them about wildlife in a constructive and playful way.

Hidden beneath the water surface lies a wondrous world full of fascinating creatures. Soundlessly, strong and delicate sea creatures like lobsters and sea horses walk, float and swim past rocks and corals, among shells and swirling grains of sand. These sea horses add a whole new dimension to your home.

3D object to build, comes flatpacked;
Made of recycled cardboard and printed with vegetable inks;
Dimensions when built up: 17 x 10 x 39 cm;
2 x A4 sheet with 17 pieces to pop out and assemble;
Assembly instructions can be found on the inside of the packaging.

Ilya one of the founders says “StudioRoof started with our life as parents of three. It was observing the creative and colourful outcomes between us and our children that originated our first products. That reaffirmed our belief that imagination and playfulness are not only connected to childhood, but are a key element that pervades every aspect of life, at all ages. Furthermore, since nature plays such an important role in our story and daily lives, the products are made from recycled cardboard and coloured with plant-based vegetable inks. This is our way of contributing to the environment.”

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